Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's Happening

From heat waves to overflowing river banks to an unprecedented amount of tornadoes, 2011 has been a year of extreme, record-breaking weather. Record breaking snow fall amounts up and down the east coast of America. 
A brutal July brought some of the highest temperatures on record, with Oklahoma, Texas and the South climate region and including Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas, had their hottest July month on record.
America was afflicted by droughts that took a major hit on agriculture's crops and the price of livestock feed soared. The floods and the drought combined to produce the worst of both records in one year for drought & precipitation, with 50 percent of the country facing abnormal wet and dry conditions.
Lets not forget the record amount of earthquakes around the world! Japan was the worst ever recorded even in a remote area of the world. Then there was Chile on January 2nd of 2011.
While all this was happening we also had wide spread animal kills for no reason!
Remember the Arkansas Red wing black birds? 5000 dropped from the sky. then a day latter 1000 fish kill in the same area! Then 2 million dead fish wash up ashore in Maryland. 200 cattle in Hopedale.
Tampa Airport had to make a new lane for airplanes to land because our compasses are showing that the north pole moved 10 degrees to the south. 
But don't take it from me! Do your own homework on each coincidence that I just mentioned. You will see that I did my homework.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Limitless Art

This time on our glorious planet is the most exciting time in history. We are going to see and experience the impossible becoming possible, in every field of human endeavor and on every subject. As we let go of all thoughts of limitation, and know that we are unlimited, we will experience the limitless magnificence of humankind, expressed through sport, health, art, technology, science, and every single field of creation.

The Future

Your mind can be like a runaway steam train if you let it. It can take you off
to thoughts of the past, and then take you off to thoughts of the future by
taking past bad events and projecting those into your future. Those
out-of-control th...oughts are creating too. When you are aware, you are in the
present and you know what you are thinking. You have gained control of your
thoughts, and that is where all your power is....

Error in Time

Both the Gregorian calendar and the clock are based on the original Babylonian model which substituted a measurement of space for a measurement of time. Time is not space. Time is of the mind.
Mix Media Portrait of Enstein by Doug Rohloff AKA Attack Artist at 

A circle on a flat plane divided into twelve 30-degree parts was used as a model for the annual calendar. A circle on a flat plane has 360 degrees (30 X 12). One annual orbit of the Earth around the Sun is 365 1/4 days. The measure of time according to the standard of the circle on a flat plane is irregular, arbitrary, and irrational. As is the measure of time, so is the measure of our mind. Using the flat plane of 12, the clock doubled the 12 to 24 hours and the degrees from 30 to 60 minutes per hour. A clock does not measure time. A clock measures increments of space which, projected as increments of time, are valorized into monetary units. Money does not grow on trees. Money is a function of false time."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Energy=Light+Matter kills space!

What would you think if you found out that all you are made of is light & Energy. Small particles of light that vibrate so fast and move so fast that it makes forms and matter. All this energy & light don't stop there. They keep building on top of each other till it forms more matter.
It never stops expanding and it never stops finding space to occupy.
As you keep looking outward something will always appear to your eyes and conscious. The possibilities are endless.

by the Attack Artist © Douglas Andrew Rohloff 1967-2010

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Future

Your mind can be like a runaway steam train if you let it. It can take you off
to thoughts of the past, and then take you off to thoughts of the future by
taking past bad events and projecting those into your future. Those
out-of-control th...oughts are creating too. When you are aware, you are in the
present and you know what you are thinking. You have gained control of your
thoughts, and that is where all your power is....